Monday, May 30, 2011

Weekly Newsletter for May 30, 2011 - Memorial Day Edition

In honor of those who gave their lives to this country and to those who still fight for our freedom. Our thanks and prayers are with you. To your families and loved ones that are at home sending their love and support, we thank them too. You have all made a great sacrifice for this country. God Bless You All!! This week's newsletter is dedicated to you. Click Here to read.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Land of the Free Because of the Brave

Traffic congestion has started early for a Friday; people are leaving town and heading to the beaches or lakes or to meet with family and friends to celebrate the start of summer; while others are dusting off the BBQ and heading to the stores for BBQ provisions celebrate the start of summer. In cemeteries across the country small US flags are appearing by tombstones and grave markers. Some people are making journeys to visit a loved one's grave at one of these cemeteries. Harley's are out in force as they converge on our nations capital. All indicators show that it must Memorial Day Weekend!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

It’s Time for a Staycation!

Staycation is an interesting word that is being heard more and more. I can’t remember where I first heard this word but I have been doing staycations for years. I wonder how long we have to be using it before it makes into Webster’s Dictionary? Anyway I’m digressing! Back to Staycations and the wonderfulness of them. Wonderfulness is that a word? Oh well the spell check says nothing wrong with it. Whoops off track again! I think I need a staycation!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Weekly Newsletter for May 22, 2011

Here is this week's newsletter - Yes we answered last week's puzzle and gave you a new one! Click HERE to read more

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Take Time Out with the One You Love!

In today’s world we are faced with so many distractions, electronic things that are supposed to make life easier, and everything moving at a fast pace. People are working longer hours and spending time away from families and away from the people they love the most. It is time to STOP! slow down and reconnect.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Workouts, Exercise, Vacation and Cruise Ships

When it comes to writing about travel there is such a huge assortment of things to write about, that one can be overwhelmed with ideas. My idea notebook is full of ideas on things I can write about but when I look though it my brain goes into overdrive and comes up with lots of thoughts about lots of different things. So how does one narrow down to one topic a week to write about? That is a very good question!

The past two weeks I have been inspired by events that have taken place, such as the Royal Wedding and then my husband’s knee surgery. This week has been a fairly quiet week. I got back into my workouts with my personal trainer…Wait! Stop the Press!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Attention Caregivers - It is Time to Take a Break!

 This past Wednesday my husband, Brad had knee surgery to fix a torn meniscus in his right knee. May last year he had the same procedure on his left knee. Each time he went for his procedures it took me back to his 18-month battle with colorectal cancer and all that we went through as a couple. He went through what cancer patients go through, which I will never understand the stress they are under, but at the same time I was under a totally new level of stress that I had never experienced before. As his sole caregiver there was a huge amount of stress on me. As some of you may know, when you first get that cancer diagnosis you feel like you have been hit by a bus. All sorts of things start racing through your head and you don’t know which way is up. All of a sudden you become the research hound, the information gather with all the medical records, medications, appointments, etc. It is a whole new world.